
Should I Buy AirPods for a Windows or Android Device?

This question has been keeping me up at night lately. Will it be possible to still get a taste of the “Apple magic” while using their trademark wireless earpods with a device that is not an iPhone or a MacBook? The release of the AirPods was an important milestone in the development of wireless headphones and earbuds. Apple did what Apple does best – created a simple, convenient and usable solution that revolutionized – or revitalized – its segment. In this case we’re talking about wireless headphones, which generally could not boast great usability prior to the arrival of the AirPods. With the AirPods, you simply open the case and the earphones automatically connect to your phone. Put them back – now they’re off and charging. That’s the magic of the “fruit company.” I, however, have never been a big fan or a dedicated user of the Apple products. This is why I was interested how the AirPods would work outside of the Apple ecosystem, namely – with my Huawei smartphone and my Windo